My name is Aingel Jaggernauth. My age doesn't matter, or anything else doesn't matter at this point? I have a message for Barbados.

All right. Hi. Hey everyone. Yes. I have a message for Barbados. I had more like a vision. And in my vision God is angry with Barbados. He had enough of our behaviours. Ans yes I don't only speak to you there but also to myself. God Is giving the whole entire Caribbean countries a weak up called.

And in my vision I saw a lady preaching about the last days. And I asked God I ask God. What is the meaning of all of this? And he repeats and says. Using the lady who is also Walking On Water, by the way. He says he's tired of our behavior and he had enough. And after I guess you guys are aware of what's happening in Puerto Rico right now. After Puerto Rico another country will be hit. and God says after that country. We might be next because he's tired.

And after I said, God What do you mean? He's tired of how we are living lives every day. We don't consider his feelings. We live life like it's our own. And I want to make you aware. That God is not satisfied with how we in Barbados are living our Lives.

And in my Visions God took me up to a high place. And I was in town surrounded by people. Just living normal lives going to work as usual shopping everything you could think of what goes on your town, people were doing as usual and in my visions God asked "who is for me"? and God placed white squares around Bridgetown and different parts of the island. And he said If you are for me you would step in these squares. I see a lot of people even my loved ones. I see a lot of people are doubting. And they don't know which side to choose. Some chose to ignore, some chose To run after money to seek jewelry To seek things that are not important when we die.

And God Lift up the white squares into the sky which some of my people some of the people that followed on saying there are for Christ. After that God said watch, and he laid his hand on me. And I passed out I fell down for a second. Then I got up. I was clothed in all white with a headband of white a lovely white and gold and I was clothed in white. And also where the people in those white squares who decide to follow God throughout.

And after he lifts us up, he told me to watch. And I saw Barbados experienced an earthquake so strong it was so sudden. That not even people that do the weather forecast or anything had no idea of it.

God give Barbados an earthquake the earthquake was so strong buildings began to fall. And the Earth began the roads began to split. Then that wasn't enough. God brought waves to Barbados. From different parts of the island we were so high. I could see waves coming from River-bay. From in the port waves were just coming? And God flood Barbados with a tsunami.

After that, I could hear the cries. I could hear all the screams, but there's nothing I could have done. While that was going on God placed us on an enclosed place that we could see everything going on and because we are not so accustomed to what we were seeing are experiencing. God said say psalms 23 we said it on a brought comfort and it bought us a sense of peace.

After that, he put us in something like a cave. And in the cave there were tornadoes coming off the sea.

The tornadoes started to destroy what the waves didn't I saw demons began to roam the Earth and devouring souls that were still alive. They start together as many souls as they could. And that's because we refused to listen to the warnings that God's been given this island.

People that are in authority will fall. False Christians will fall. People that ignore what God is putting out there for you to hear and to repent you will fall. My friends and my family who do not change their lifestyles you will fall, and there is nothing my prayers that can save you.

I repeat if you don't change your lives and if you do not wake up. The people that you raised up such as Lil Rick, Stiffy all of them will fall. These people that you praise up as your Gods will fall. Remember God is a jealous God. There shall be no other gods before Jesus Christ. Your other gods will fall.

Yes. They will fall. All and The houses... Parliament and all the Gatherings that your souls are feeding. Those wicked events all will fall? The leaders of this country also needs to hear and heed to the warnings you all will fall.

There is no place to hide nor they will be no places to hide. God will move you all. So my word for you is repent. People of Barbados repent. We cannot, and I repeat there's no place to run and Barbados from a tsunami. There's no place to run from a tornado. And there's no place also to run from an earthquake.

Heed to the warning that God has been given you all change your lives. Or you will fall? Thank you very much for listening.

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