Having pointed out in part one of this article that tithing is an obligation only for those under the Law of Moses, let me now focus on the implications of tithing.

Some Christians believe that they are under grace and can mix it with the more convenient elements of the law, but "a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" (Gal 5:9). The cross contamination of the two biblical covenants is causing Christians to fall from grace. Some Christians have shown a desire for the law through tithing, and therefore Jesus and his sacrifice to save them from said law and sin have been rejected in ignorance.

To understand how tithing places one under the Law of Moses, one only has to consider circumcision in the Bible. At the time when the Gentiles were accepted into the fold of Christianity, the Jews wanted them to be circumcised (Act 15:1). The Apostle Paul, however, adamantly refuted this because circumcision was of the Law, and if one practises one element of the Law, then one is guilty of the whole law (Gal 5:3). Paul also went on to say in Gal 5:4 that "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law: ye are fallen from grace".

Christians who tithe have not only rejected Jesus Christ, and fallen from grace, but have also rejected the promise made to Abraham that through his seed (Jesus Christ) (Gal 3:16), the nations will be blessed.

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