In this season of love and good cheer, focus will be placed on the Christ Child and the joy, peace, and rest He has brought us, the true light He has given us in the form of the Christian faith, and the love it should bring.

God is love, and Christianity is a heart thing. It therefore follows that everything we do should be done from the heart, so much so that we are no longer under the Ten Commandments which were like a schoolmaster, but we are now under two great commandments, the modus operandi of which is love.

The first commandment is love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and the second commandment like unto it is to love our neighbour as ourselves. If we were to truly love in this manner then we would not steal, kill, lie, covet, and commit adultery.

When we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour it should be a decision made from the heart, and not from the cunning words of men who might play on the emotions. We therefore accept Jesus as the Holy Spirit leads, and not necessarily by an altar call.

When we forgive someone who has asked our forgiveness, let it come from the heart, or else God will not forgive us. If God does not forgive us our sins, then we are opened to the attacks of the enemy.

When we give, it should be from the heart and with simplicity as God has stated He likes a cheerful giver. We can only be cheerful givers when our giving is by an exercise of the heart. This being the case, we no longer must give by obligation, but freely, from the heart, and to whomsoever might ask of us, once it is in our power to do so.

When we speak, it should be from the heart, with words of edification which, in the final analysis are to build up that which is right, not only in the sight of man, but foremost in the sight of God.

When we worship, and we sing to God, it should be from the heart. A person who cannot distinguish one musical note from the other and whom the world would consider to be a "shower singer" might sing from the heart and can change the spiritual environment to the extent that healing and deliverance takes place; yet a person who can hit every note but does not sing from the heart, might not have the same anointing.

In this season abide faith, hope, and charity; charity is the greatest of these. Do all things from the heart, and let Emmanuel, who is love, truly be with us.

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